Lawyer in Corporate/M&A

--Cresco - Antwerpen--

For a Law Firm in Antwerp, Hasselt and Gent, LegalUp Talents is looking for a Lawyer in Corporate/M&A, speaking fluently Dutch & English

Our client is cur­rent­ly look­ing to take on an out­stand­ing, nice asso­ciate with 3 – 9 years of rel­e­vant cor­po­rate expe­ri­ence, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the fields of merg­ers and acqui­si­tions, cap­i­tal rais­ings, restruc­tur­ings, and invest­ments and divest­ments of port­fo­lio companies.

You will pri­mar­i­ly be engaged in struc­tur­ing, draft­ing and nego­ti­at­ing a vari­ety of cor­po­rate and ven­ture cap­i­tal transactions, asset pur­chase agreements,  part­ner­ing agree­ments such as share­hold­ers’ agree­ments, sub­scrip­tion agree­ments and joint ventures.

You will advise founders, com­pa­nies and boards of directors on a wide range of oper­a­tional mat­ters and strate­gic trans­ac­tions and pro­vide them with on-going legal support.

Growing Perspectives


  • Corporate & Venture Capital transactions
  • Asset pur­chase agreements
  • Part­ner­ing agree­ments such as share­hold­ers’ agree­ments, sub­scrip­tion agree­ments and joint ventures
  • Advise on a wide range of oper­a­tional mat­ters and strate­gic trans­ac­tions

Must Have

  • Master in Law
  • 3 to 9 years' experience
  • In complex Corporate and Venture Capital transactions.
  • Dutch & English Fluent
  • Ability to independently manage projects and client relationship
  • Team work
  • Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills 

Nice to have

  • Superior academic credentials

What's great in the job?

Challenging and diversified corporate and venture capital practice with boundless opportunities for those lawyers who aspire a challenging and rewarding career

  It offers a structured yet flexible environment, emphasizing the development of excellent legal skills and real world problem-solving, while encouraging the lawyers to build important long term internal and external business relationships

  This is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for a high­ly moti­vat­ed and entre­pre­neur­ial lawyer to help build the firm’s grow­ing practices

  You have the flexibility to choose your primary work location: full-time in Antwerp, 4 days a week in Hasselt, or to a lesser extent at the Gent office


Law Firm

Antwerp, Hasselt or Gent


25+ People

Reporting to Partner

- This opportunity is handled exclusively by LegalUp Talents, your Tax & Legal Recruitment Partner in Belgium -

JOBS  job job Lawyer Lawyer Lawyer Senior Associate Corporate Lawyer, vennootschapsrecht, M&A, private equity, VC, venture capital, scale up, start up, Law Firm Antwerp Law recht, Law, corporate law, M&A, mergers & acquisitions,, recht, legal jobs, Law, Law, recht,  Law Firm Law Firm Law Firm Legal Legal Legal, law, vacature, job, recht, vacancy, Venture Capital, transactions
